Where to get a Marriage Licence?
Mon, 25 Mar 2013

As an experienced wedding celebrant in Brisbane, I often receive inquiries from couples asking where to go to get a marriage license. This is an American term and a Marriage License is not used in Australia.
In Australia couples have to lodge a Notice of Intended Marriage form with their celebrant. I can provide the document to you or you can download a copy of the form from the link on my website, complete it and hand it to me.
The NOIM can be lodged up to 18 months prior to the wedding, and no later than one month before the date of the marriage, e.g. - if a NOIM is given to the authorised celebrant on 2 January, the first day the marriage can be solemnised is 2 February; if a NOIM is given to the authorised celebrant on 31 August, the first day the marriage can be solemnised is 1 October; or if a NOIM is given to the authorised celebrant on 29 January in a non-leap year, the first day the marriage can be solemnised is 1 March.
At the time of lodging the NOIM, both parties to the marriage must produce their original birth certificates as well as original divorce papers or death certificates if applicable.
Couples born outside of Australia who do not have a copy an original birth certificate are able to produce an overseas passport instead. If a party to the marriage does not have an overseas passport, a Statutory Declaration can be completed.