Sand Ceremony for your Wedding
Sat, 6 Oct 2012

As a Marriage Celebrant in Brisbane, I have had many couples wanting to display a symbolic gesture of unity at their wedding. Or sometimes it has been that the bride and groom simply want to acknowledge that from this day forward, their lives will be intrinsically woven together. Many couples form a blended family. The use of sand is an outward sign of how everyone is joined together and that no matter what happens, they cannot return to how things used to be.
The most common sand ceremony is where there are two containers, generally glass, which hold a different coloured sand; one colour representing the bride and one colour for the groom. Following the exchanging of wedding vows and rings, the couple then pours their coloured sand into a centre container, which signifies the start of the new family and a new chapter in their lives.
It is also common for children to be included in the sand ceremony, with each child having their own container of sand in their preferred colour which stands alongside the container of the bride and the groom. Together all members pour their sand into the centre container, again signifying the new family that is blended together as one.
Many remember the sand as representing all that a person has been, all that they currently are and all that they will be with the love and support of their partner. Just as the single grains of sand can never go back into the original container, the belief is that their marriage is the same.
The sand ceremony is becoming more popular than the unity candles as they are not dependent on wind or other weather conditions. They also represent a beautiful outward sign to those who visit the home of the commitment made between all parties.
Some couples have their containers engraved with names and dates as a personal testament of this symbolic gesture.
Many elaborate sand ceremony containers can be purchased off the internet or you can create something unique yourself. Sand is often available from the many wedding providers who sell the containers or can be purchased from somewhere like Bunnings hardware stores.
If you would like to include a sand ceremony in your wedding ceremony, simply ask your Brisbane Civil Celebrant for advice. As an experienced wedding professional, your wedding celebrant can provide a wealth of information on this and other symbolic gestures which will make your ceremony unique and special.
Beautiful sand ceremony kits can be purchased locally from Wedding Wonderland situated at 3727 Pacific Highway, Slacks Creek www.weddingwonderland.com.au
Tags: Sand Ceremony, Unity Ceremony