Mid Week Wedding Ceremonies
Tue, 14 Aug 2012

Many couples still think that they MUST get married on a Saturday or even a Sunday and have given no consideration to other days of the week.
There are some Brisbane wedding venues, such as The Glen at Eight Mile Plains, who provide beautiful wedding packages at a much reduced rate if the wedding is mid week.
Couples are often concerned that guests won't come if the wedding is on a week day, or won't come because they have to go to work the next day. Many savvy brides are looking at future public holidays and organising their weddings accordingly. Have you considered having your wedding on Wednesday April 24 next year, or perhaps on Tuesday August 13th? One is the day before Anzac Day and the other the day before the Exhibition public holiday. What about the Thursday before Good Friday?
Weddings are expensive and every opportunity to save money is welcomed. So think about a mid week wedding. Check out your wedding venues and inquire if the price is different on a week day in comparison to a weekend. You will find that provided they are given sufficient notice, family and friends are more than happy to work half a day or have an extra day off prior to a public holiday.
For some couples, it is often the date that is important. It may be an anniversary of their first date or for some couples a day significant because of the number. Don't feel you have to conform. Don't feel you have to get married on a Saturday because that is what is expected. Many brides and grooms are now considering these alternatives as it allows them to either invite more people or reep a greater financial saving.
Tags: Wedding Ceremony, Wedding Date, Wedding Time, Mid Week Ceremony